How to share a page with a co-worker or client

share page client invite to share teams team

Steph Rasmus
Written by Steph RasmusLast update 4 years ago

How to share an Evelinks page with a co-worker or client

Step 1: invite your co-worker or client to create a free everlinks account (See image below)

Step 2:  After your client has gone ahead and created their free Everlinks account

  • Open the page that you want to share
  • Click on the page settings and scroll down to the "manage team" selection.  Type in the email address of the team member or client that you want to share the page with and click invite.  See the image below.

Step 3:  Your team member or client will receive an alert in their Everlinks dashboard that you have invited them to share a page.  See the image below.


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